

Play Group / Play Learn

As per RTE- Right to Education and NEP- National Education Policy from state to state. Children are born curious. They begin to explore the environment around them as soon as they are born. Kidzee’s playgroup school curriculum plays an important role in helping children continue their exploration. The first few years of a child’s life are crucial and critical when it comes to the acquisition of skills and brain based learning. In the playgroup class, the young children spend quality time developing their latent language/pre-language and Math/pre-math skills. During the daily activities, a child develops pre-language skills and pre-math skills, and also acquires social skills.

Key Areas in Playgroup Curriculum

  • Theme based Concept Time
  • Exploration based learning
  • Promoting positive peer social interaction
  • Math Readiness
  • Language Readiness
  • Promoting fine and gross motor skills
  • Promoting cognitive development

Playgroup learning Activities Included

  • Circle Time
  • Free Play
  • Knowledge Time
  • Language Time
  • Artsy
  • Personality Development
  • Showstopper
  • Mental Might
  • Eco-conscious
  • Numeracy Time
  • Tell-a-Tale
  • Library
  • Talk Time
  • Sciencify
  • Outdoor
  • Indoor
  • Whirl & Twirl
  • Sensorium
  • Critical Thinking
  • Celebration of festivals and special days
  • Field Trips
  • Puppet shows and skits

Class Time Table Weekly

15 MinutesCircle TimeCircle TimeCircle TimeCircle TimeCircle Time
20 MinutesFreeplayFreeplayFreeplayFreeplayFreeplay
15 MinutesKnowledge TimeKnowledge TimeKnowledge TimeKnowledge TimeKnowledge Time
15 MinutesLiteracy TimeLiteracy TimeLiteracy TimeLiteracy TimeLiteracy Time
25 MinutesTummy TimeTummy TimeTummy TimeTummy TimeTummy Time
25 MinutesArtsyPersonality DevelopmentShow StopperMental MightEco Conscious/Artsy/Critical Thinking
15 MinutesNumeracy TimeNumeracy TimeNumeracy TimeNumeracy TimeNumeracy Time
5 MinutesBreak TimeBreak TimeBreak TimeBreak TimeBreak Time
15 MinutesTell-a-taleLibraryTalk TimeNumeracy TimeLiteracy Time
15 MinutesSciencifyOutdoorIndoorWhirl and TwirlSensorium